Dear network,
I hesitated a lot before making this post public but since my new journey is all about being vulnerable and authentic, why not?
More than 6 months ago, I took my courage in both hands and dared finally to quit my 9 to 5 job and eventually take a break. A break of which I had been thinking and preparing for many years. I’ve always felt deep down that what I was doing wasn’t really aligned with who I want to be (Still figuring that out). So, I tried to plan everything before and I have even done a kind of ‘’ break’’-to-do-list (which included lot of learning, reading, writing, traveling, walking, …). I’ve even daydreamed about how my life will be, how my parenting style, social life and my way of doing things will change.
Today, and this is the reason I’m writing this post, the most important thing I didn’t plan for and it is for me the 1st takeaway from this journey so far, is letting myself be totally vulnerable and accepting not knowing things, anything about tomorrow. This reminds a lot of a Morgan housel quote that has stuck with me ever since I read it: ‘’ Planning is important, but the most important part of every plan is to plan on the plan not going according to plan’’ (the psychology of money).
Anyway, the first 2 months were really challenging. I didn’t recognize who I was anymore. Despite having a « break to do list, » I was at a loss for what to do with my time. I spent it torturing myself about my identity, my purpose in life, and how I was changing from being a working mother and an economist to this new journey of being an authentic human—perhaps more or less— a junior entrepreneur, a financial blogger, or who knew what tomorrow would bring.
And in light of all that has occurred in the globe over the past six months, I began to reevaluate my views on freedom, prosperity, life, gender equality, and human rights. Nothing remains the same.
Having said that, this brings me to the « behind reasons » for this post—perhaps an insightful reminder to all of us:
isn’t it about time to normalize people doing things differently? to normalize a break in a 30-year passioned career life? failing? people seeking for their personal legends?
Anyway, I would like to thank all the amazing, kind and professional people (the less amazing ones also) for crossing my path these last 13 years of my life. I am very grateful of everything I learned from you, for every smile, word or tear. It made me who I am today, and I am so grateful for the inner peace it brought to my life.
Cheers to the new beginnings.